I’m in constant awe of our family. Sylvia Semeraro is one reason why:
Sylvia is a world-class Karate Champion. There are a number of videos on YouTube showcasing her fighting style and ability.
Featured in this article is the video where Silvia won the GOLD at the Karate European Championship, 2015
All of the video is worth watching, but I can’t help but love watching her get the gold 5:49 into the video.
Her other videos, quite frankly, are amazing as well.
It was VERY hard to decide which video to feature in this article. At this time, I can only add one video and photo to an article on the site. However, Sylvia has inspired me to change that very soon.
In the meantime, here is ANOTHER YouTube Video worth checking out! After Sylvia has won, she is briefly interviewed. It was AWESOME to see her win the tournament, and then hear what she had to say. PLEASE check out this video!